File Renamer is a small application that makes it fast and easy to rename a number of files at the same time.
The core of the software is a file list where the user adds the files that should be renamed. To make this as easy as possible, File Rename supports both drag-and-drop on the software icon and on the file list when the software is running.
When the files have been added then File Renamer have a number of options that is used to setup rules of how the filenames are changed. The options can be combined so the new filenames can be constructed in an unlimited number of ways.
A simple click on the rename button and File Renamer changes the files according to the chosen options.
And if some of the new filenames should not be suitable then File Renamer have an undo function, so the old filenames easily can be restored. After that the rules can be changed so the filenames ends up as wanted.